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Joe Thambu Shihan Seminar, Germany

Straubing, Germany Straubing, Germany

Joe Thambu Shihan will be teaching in Straubing, Germany, from 22 - 23 March 2025. He will be hosted by Gert Jungbauer Sensei, Aikido Kojikan Straubing.

Joe Thambu Shihan Seminar, Czech Republic

Jablonec, Czech Republic

Joe Thambu Shihan has been invited to teach his dynamic style of Aikido in Jablonec, Czech Republic, from 2 - 4 May. He is hosted by Ondra Musil Shihan, Bushukan.

Joe Thambu Shihan, Gliwice, Poland

Gliwice, Poland

Joe Thambu Shihan has been invited to teach in Gliwice, Poland. He is being hosted by Pawel Felisiak Shihan, Aikido Shudokan Poland.

Joe Thambu Shihan Seminar, United Kingdom

Nottingham, United Kingdom

Joe Thambu Shihan will be teaching a seminar in Nottingham, United Kingdom, from 4 - 6 July. He will be hosted by Tadashi Narita Sensei, Aikido Shoshinkan, and Phil Musson Sensei, Eagle Dojo.

Joe Thambu Shihan Summer School, Czech Republic

Jizierka, Czech Republic , Czech Republic

Joe Thambu Shihan will be teaching an 8-day summer school in the mountains of the Czech Republic in Jizierka. He will be hosted by Ondra Musil Shihan, Bushukan.

Uchideshi Gasshuku, Malaysia

Seremban, Malaysia

Joe Thambu Shihan will be heading up this very intense training camp held in the historic dojo in Seremban, Malaysia. Schedule will vary from day to day. There will be a minimum of 4hrs training every day. Open only to those who have a minimum of 3rd kyu in the Yoshinkan system of Aikido (regardless […]

Gozo Shioda Legacy Gasshuku, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Joe Thambu Shihan will be teaching alongside other world-class instructors, Jacques Payet Shihan, Robert Mustard Shihan and Mori Michiharu Shihan for 4 days in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This will be a gathering of many different students and instructors of Aikido from around the world and is an event not to be missed.

Joe Thambu Shihan, Czech Republic

Jablonec, Czech Republic

Joe Thambu Shihan has been invited by Ondra Musil Shihan, Bushukan, to teach at Jablonec, Czech Republic, from 31st October - 2nd November 2025.

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