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Summer Camp in Jizierka Czech Republic

Joe Thambu Shihan will be teaching at the Summer Camp in Jizierka, Czech Republic, with other world-renowned teachers. This is a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in over a week of Aikido and take your Aikido to the next level.

Joe Thambu Shihan Seminar, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

As a part of his Asia tour, Joe Thambu Shihan will be teaching in Malaysia, hosted by Ramlan Ortega Shihan, Aikido Shudokan Malaysia.

Joe Thambu Shihan Seminar Indonesia

Indonesia , Indonesia

As a part of Joe Thambu Shihan's Asia tour in 2023, he has been invited to teach a weekend seminar in Indonesia, hosted by Mark Hadiarja Kyoshi, Aikido Shudokan Indonesia.

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